Monday, September 22, 2008

Do we need public schools?

I believe that the public school system, although sometimes flawed, is definitely necessary. Public schools provide education for everyone, no exceptions. The “no exceptions” part of it is the most important, I think. Not every family can afford to send their child to a private school; those families rely on public schools to educate their children properly. Without public schools, where would those children go? I think that there would be a large amount of children not attending any type of school if there were no public schools. This would leave room for children to be brought down in society instead of being raised up. Children would go uneducated and therefore be designated a certain life with no room for improvement.

Public education brings together all children allowing for diversity. This is where children learn about the world and how to prepare for their future. In a public institution, there are no beliefs forced on the students and they are free to explore their minds and expand their knowledge on all types of beliefs. There are no exclusions and children learn to work together. Public schools offer all children the same kind of education. No child is favored due to their family income, how they look, etc. Every child is on the same learning level and expected to stay there throughout their educational career. Without public schools, certain children would be excluded creating an unfair advantage for others. We need public schools to keep the balance and educate all our children equally.