Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Shaping My Understanding...

The inquiry project so far, has helped me to get an understanding of what it is to be a "first year teacher" and what to do to reach the goals in "Portrait of a Teacher." I have had the pleasure of working with a second year teacher at Arts High School in Newark. She has inspired me even more to become the teacher I have always wanted to be. She welcomes me into her classroom everytime I visit and shares all her experience with me as well. I have questioned her about everything I could think of, and she has always come back with a warm and informative answer. I appreciate everything she has helped me with, and look forward to interviewing her even further. I have learned that first year teachers, especially those whose curriculum and grade level changes at the last minute, are dealing with loads of stress. They need support to get through the year and need a staff that is willing to help. First year teachers, I have learned, are entering a new world, one that is their own. Student teaching is thrown out the window, and now they are dealing with their own class, their own students, and their own curriculum. It's basically like walking into the jungle where students can be your biggest nightmare if you don't walk in with confidence and a plan.

This has shaped my understanding of public education by basically letting me live in the world of a teacher, and experience for myself what it is like. I have also been able to substitute at my own high school for a first year teacher. I am able to see how he handles his class by how the students are treating me. I learn through the students how this specific teacher works, his personality, and whether or not the children respect him. I have been able to see what is needed as a first year teacher to gain the respect of the students right from the start. I am beginning to understand how important a solid teacher/student relationship needs to be in order for the students to be better prepared for their future. Students need to understand that a teacher is there to do just that; teach, prepare, make the difference. If they don't understand what the teacher is trying to do, and why he/she is trying to do that, they will not be as accepting of learning in the classroom, and will give no respect to that teacher.

I am beginning to understand what a teacher needs to do to reach the goals in "Portrait of a Teacher" and why those goals are being set. They are helping teachers create a better learning enviornment while keeping their students interested and able to learn. Teachers need to be able to educate their students and work for them to want to learn, and want to be there. Teaching is extrememly "hands on" and teachers need to work to gain a student's respect. By learning all of this, I am able to see what a first year teacher goes through, and how to apply their resources to my future goals. They have helped me to see what is needed in the classroom, and how important it really is to have support and a welcoming classroom.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Annotated Bibliography

In junction with my group, here is one of our articles we have selected.

The article can be found at http://www.jstor.org/pss/3447619 and it's titled

"Conceptions of Teaching Held by Academic Teachers."

What I got from this article was the sense that there are many different conceptions of learning and teaching. There are many different "theories" that teachers use to help children understand what they are teaching. No one is really to say which one works, and which doesn't but the article explores some conceptions of teaching and what they mean to teachers. I thought this would work in our project when we interview our teachers to see what they think about the "dimensions" of these theories and how they can/can't help reach the goals in "The Portrait of a Teacher." The study done in this article basically dives into what teaching in perceived as and what teachers really experience and think of teaching and its definition.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Inquiry Project Topic

I am doing a group project with Mike and Nicole.

Our inquiry project topic will be "What are the struggles of a first year teacher?" and we are also looking to include the "Portrait of a Teacher" and how teachers relate and work towards the goals stated in it. We would like to interview a first year teacher, preferably from Montclair, and talk about all the struggles they face.

Some example questions would be:

As a first year teacher, what have been some of the major issues that you have come across?

Has the "Portrait of a Teacher" helped you to prepare for these struggles, and move forward to overcome them?

What is some of the strongest advice you have received from anyone at Montclair in reference to becoming a teacher?

Have you been able to format a plan to help guide you througout your career?

In the "Portrait of a Teacher" it states a teacher should be able to, "Build relationships with school colleagues, families, and agencies in the community to support students’ learning and well-being, and work to foster an appreciation of diversity among students and colleagues." How have you approached this topic so far?

What or who helps you to deal with the issues you face; and what keeps you going when you are stressed out?

In addition to interviewing a first year teacher, we would also like to interview a teacher that has been in the field for quite some time, also preferably from Montclair, and is able to talk about what exactly helped them get to where they are today.

Some example questions would be:

What was your first year of teaching like? Did you face any major struggles?

In the "Portrait of a Teacher" it states that a teacher should, "Understand how children and adolescents learn and develop in a variety of school, family and community contexts, and can provide learning opportunities that support their students’ intellectual, social, and personal development." What in your experience has helped you work towards this goal?

Is there anything that you changed about your teaching style over the years?

What would be your advice for students working towards becoming a teacher?

We will be working towards figuring out what can help students work towards the goals stated in the "Portrait of a Teacher." By interviewing teachers and collecting data, we will be able to come closer to a conclusion, or at least reach a point that can help us understand what becoming a teacher really means.