Monday, October 27, 2008

What is NCLB?

NCLB is No Child Left Behind. NCLB consists of four pillars (click here for the official website)that are:
  • Stronger Accountability for Results: this basically states that all students are required to achieve academic proficiency. This calls for all states to be on the same level with their academic progress. The district and state will have annual report cards and be responsible for supplemental services if that school is not making adequate yearly progress (AYP). If the school is still not making AYP after five years, "dramatic" changes will be made to the school.
  • More Freedom for States and Communities:this basically states that school districts can use their funds any way they want. They can transfer money from fund to fund based on what they think is important for the school
  • Proven Education Methods:this basically states that "scientific research" will determine which educational programs are effective, and federal funding will support these select programs.
  • More Choices for Parents:this basically states that if a parent feels their child is not getting a sufficient education in their current school, and the school has failed to meet AYP for two years, they are able to transfer their child out of that school and into another school as long as it is in the same district. The district is responsible for that student's transportation.

These are the main ideas that are stemming from NCLB. They are cleary ineffective, and have not been though out. Often, people think that this is something that the government just threw out recently, but that is not the case. NCLB is 50+ years in the making. It started way back at the end of the civil war when the Office of Education was established in 1868. The establishment of education continued into JFK's era, hit some bumps in Regan's era, and made it out alive with George Bush and Bill Clinton.

Goals 2000, later changed to America 2000 was a big jump for education. The plan was to raise literacy rates 90% and improve math and science in schools. They wanted to have equal education and make society better for the children. After America 2000, the "Texas Miracle" with Rod Paige (superintendant in Houston, TX) was introduced. This was the prequal to NCLB, and was said to have raised education standards in Texas. After this, in 2001, NCLB was piloted at the state level where it won the support of both Republicans and Democrats.

Throughout NCLB's long journey, one thing was brought up and pushed over and over again. American's need to spend more time on Math, English, and Science. This idea has revolved over and over again so that we can keep up with the "race." Other countries are clearly advancing, making it harder for Americans to stay on top. NCLB has many ideas, as shown in the "Four Pillars" that have not been clearly thought out, making them flawed in many aspects. Even with it's flaws, NCLB has some promising insights. With much needed improvement, NCLB can have the resources to truly help students and the education system overall.

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