Monday, October 13, 2008

Language Arts in the Classroom

Language Arts is a subject that is part of every school and every curriculum. Students must not only pass the subject, but be tested on it as well. The HSPAs have a Language Arts section that many students have trouble passing due to lack of preparation. This testing is just one implication that teachers face today; budgets and classroom resources also play a large role in teaching Language Arts to students.

The HSPAs are becoming an important topic in schools today. Students are constantly being prepared for them in many different ways. Some schools teach only what they can during school hours, while other schools have developed tutoring and after school programs to help the children prepare for testing if and when they need it. This is where the budget and classroom resources come into play. The school develops extra programs, such as tutoring, when the budget allows for it. These extra programs can be the distingushing factor between a student passing or failing. Unfortunately, teachers have to accept the fact that some schools may not have the budget to include these programs into the curriculum.

The budget problems don't stop there. Language Arts requires many books to fulfill the course work. If the budget doesn't allow for new or updated books, the materials might be unreliable to the teachers. In serious cases, teachers might not have enough books for every student making it harder to teach literature in the classroom. If those issues aren't tough enough to deal with, imagine having books that are destroyed or missing pages. These are all the issues that come with not having enough classroom resources and not having a workable budget.

Teachers have to keep all of these situations in mind when they are in the classroom. If the school doesn't have enough resources for all students to have books, the teacher might require that the students purchase their own. This might seem easy enough, but there are more things to consider here as well. Books are not super expensive, but some families are in situations where they cannot afford any extra school supplies. Teachers must put this into consideration and keep in mind what kind of area they are working in. Unfortunately there are many things that can go wrong in school life, but teachers must control the situation and use the resources they have to do the best they can for their students.

A positive outlook can mean all the difference to the students. Teachers learn to work around what they have whether the budget allows for it or not. Some teachers must make sacrifices to help their students when tutoring programs are not available. Students need the proper guidance and looks to their teachers for help. Dedication makes the difference in their lives helping them to keep moving forward.

1 comment:

rg said...

The toughest thing I ever did was teach Spanish with one set of classroom texts. That meant 30 books for 33 kids. And the students of the teacher with whom I shared the class frequently threw my books out the window. How are students supposed to study when they can't take home the book to supplement their notes and learning activities?